服务电话:021-3756 6623

*丹麦JUN-AIR压缩机 中国维修部


3071030调节过滤器  5412000过滤器消音器  250343of312专用皮碗套筒  250339皮碗(of302)替代   
jun-air 压缩机标配首选,5um调节过滤减压阀
JUN-AIR调节过滤器 JUN-AIR过滤器4071010 Filter 5um w/automatic drain, complete JUN-AIR过滤器4071055 Filter 0.01um w/manual drain 6motor 继电器盒
4L储气罐(3-4,6-4专用) 6motor 油井5410000 Oil level glass compl. 6motor过滤器5412000 Intake fi lter f/6 motors,
of302进气过滤器5412400 Intake filter f/OF301 and OF302 motors
高压管6417000Flex hose 1/8” 17 (19) cm of1202motor进气过滤器5412455 Intake filter f/OF1200 2000motor进气过滤器5412500 Intake filter f/1-2000 Used as silencer 6motor油盖Oil inlet screw w/gasket
排污杯5612300 Drain bottle 1 l multi supplied separately incl. bracket for
pipe mounting and magnet
2000motor圆筒垫圈6236902 JUN-AIR原装单向阀5414500Non return valve 6-25放水阀5420000 Drain cock 1/4” 25l
6motor马达拍片5470300 Spare parts kit f/replacement of valve plate f/6 motor jun-air 0.5+0.01um过滤芯Service kits (6A, 10, 12) 5 μm: .................. 4071210

压力开关5030000 Pressure switch MDR 2/11 compl.

5033000 Pressure switch MDR 21/11 w/unloader
5035000 Pressure switch MDR 2/11 w/unloader


散热扇5451000 230V, 120x120的风扇
5240500 Capacitor 35uF/400V AC
5240600 Capacitor 60uF/260V AC
5240700 Capacitor 50uF / 400 V AC
5240800 Capacitor 80uF/260V AC
5241000 Capacitor 100uF/260 V AC


5236000 Capacitor 12uF/450V AC
5236500 Capacitor 16uF/450V AC
5237000 Capacitor 20uF/400V AC
5237500 Capacitor 25uF/400 V AC
5240000 Capacitor run 40uF/450V AC

电容5240607 Capacitor, run complete 60uF f/OF300/OF1202 (60 cm)
5241105 Capacitor, run complete 120uF OF1201 (60cm)

电磁排污阀4799500 Auto drain 220-240V series 590
启动继电器4523000 Starting relay 230V f/6 motor

4526001 Starting relay f/3 motor 230V (new)


5458201 适用于1-2000系列电机的凤扇座


启动安全阀4520000 Overload protector f/6 motor 230V of302活塞连轴套筒5499800 Connecting rod/cylinder complet f/OF301/OF302
压力开关泄压阀6973080 Unloader valve w/16.4 mm needle 三通连接件7156100 Extension piece f/cock long of302垫圈 6 motor电容5210000 Capacitor start 70uF
of302原装机头 6motor拍件垫圈 电磁阀4785600 适用于卸载器, 230V,带插头的的螺线管阀 16bar压力开关
4777010 Fan f/2000 motor (new)


6motor电容 6244000 O-ring f/rib cover 6 motor
2000马达拍件5470000 Kit f/repl. valve plate 1-2000 5130000 Gauge Ø40 0-16 bar 1/8” down 2000机头 2000马达圆筒垫圈
jun-air 5um过滤芯Service kits (4071311) of302连杆轴承 2000motor距离环7172000 Distance ring 2000 motor 0.5ul自动排水器
5986000 Fan blade f/OF301/OF302 black CW 0.01um出气手动过滤器 电磁排污阀 718000气源弯头接头1/8"
2000motor容器箱6510010 Crank case f/2000 motor (new version) of301减震脚 of1201motor 5130000 Gauge Ø40 0-16 bar 1/8” down
of301套件 of302马达套件 4071020Regulator R07-280-RNMG, 10 bar 4080500活性炭过滤芯
5499802 of1202连杆套筒 5470496 of1202套件 7156100 Extension piece f/cock long 7020000 Double nipple 1/8”
高分子膜式干燥器 SMC微雾分离器 SMC自动排水器 5459500 End cover f/OF301 and OF302 motors
of301型机头 6motor机头 3motor of1202机头
of302套筒杯型封套件 气源接头 6motor套装 7566000接头
6motor出气垫片 7171000接头 6&3motor升级压力包(14bar) 7071000接头
6motor出气垫片 of302偏心轮8499800部件 5986010 灰色风扇叶Fan blade f/OF301/OF302 grey CCW of1202进气过滤器5412455 Intake filter f/OF1200
of302 杯型封6289500 OF302 Comp-ring 3motor拍件 JUN-AIR自动过滤器加调节器 of302 缸套5490200 
调节过滤器 JUN_AIR MDR42压力开关 jun-air原装表 开关
SJ-27F JUN-AIR有油润滑压缩机专用油 2000马达派件垫片 2000马达减震脚6254100 Vibration damper 1-2000 (new version) 5499100连杆轴承
2000motor 圆筒5495800 Cylinder 1-2000 5030000 Pressure switch MDR 2/11
of302v-4M真空表 2000马达轴承窝
6motor原装自动排水调节过滤器4071030 MDR1压力开关 5470800MDR21压力开关 MDR2压力开关
M3 继电器4326000老款 M3  继电器4326001新款 4799500定时自动排污维修包,适合JUN-AIR所有型号 6451090高压管
6451052_高压管 6451037 6451024 6451016
6417000 5612300_large drain bottle 1lmulti 5095000_largevacuum and pressure swithch 4081810_largethrottle valve节气阀
4087500_large valvef&dryer DH 4087300_large阀配件 5447000_large散热器 4753200_large导向阀定时凸轮
of302阀盘5070500 5460080 of302机头套件包括2个进气过滤器,2个套筒,2个杯型封,2郭螺丝弹簧,说明书,2个垫圈 0.5+0.01um过滤器 过滤器芯
2000-40P排水阀 安全阀 of302电机 of302避震脚
1/4接头1外丝1内丝 1/4接头双外丝 1/8接头1外丝1内丝 1/8接头双外丝
1/8三通双外丝中内丝T型三通接头7071000 MB-720自动排污系统


自动排污自动泄压套件 of302-25B手动排污阀
4081602滤芯 4087602 OX自动浮球 SJ-27F JUN-air润滑油 出气总阀
 of1202专用阀盘  24-24机头平台
5499811 70mm连杆轴承 0.01um活性炭干燥器 5470502 阀盘  24-40型空气压缩机机头平台 

  2005-2015 上海微百科技发展有限公司版权所有    



本页更新日期2020年12月29日 星期二 16:06